Things That I Find Mildly Amusing..
This is going to be an on-going, ever expanding post, simply because there are a whole heck of a lot of things that amuse me and I'm just too lazy to put them all into words in one sitting.
1. The crazy guy on the train that "poses" like he's at a photo shoot and flames out if you make direct eye contact. I must admit that he is quite possibly one of my favorite things about Chicago. I make a point to stare, Each. And. Every. Time. just to watch him cause a scene. I hope to one day catch him, in all his wacked out glory, on video so that I can cherish him for years to come. Oh crazy train man, you will always hold a place in my heart. Actually, I'm gonna go ahead and give props to all the crazy people that I encounter on my daily commute. Thank you to the lady today that shouted out "I've got pinched nerves! And if they keep pinching me, I'm gonna pinch them back!" You brought a smile to my face. And then I caught myself thinking, "how is that going to help?"
2. Craigslist. There just aren't words. But I will say that this is humor in it's purest form. I suggest simply placing yourself in front of your computer for hours on end and reading each & every one of the "best of craigslist" posts.
Yeah, so like I said, I'm lazy. Later.
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