Thursday, November 10, 2005

Congratulations! It's a Led Zeppelin Fan!

My son officially became a Led Zeppelin fan today. Ahhh kids, they grow up so fast. For the record, he has pretty awesome taste in music... if I do say so myself. He has long been a fan of such greats as The Cure, The Decemberists, Ben Folds, and The Ramones. Oh, did I mention he's four? Yeah. So today as we were out enjoying our Sunday full 'o garage sales, I happened upon a copy of Led Zeppelin's Greatest Hits. At a price of only $1, who could, or would for that matter, pass it up? Not I dear readers. Not I. When we got back to the car I opened the case and quickly turned to him to explain the importance of what he was about to hear. "This is classic son, classic. Listen carefully." As Stairway to Heaven flowed out of the stereo I could see in his eyes that he not only understood but he wanted more. He asked me to repeat "the classic song" (those were his words) another 3 times. Then we moved on to Black Dog, Rock & Roll, and When the Levee Breaks. It wasn't until we heard the sweet sounds of the Immigrant Song that I knew that his newfound appreciation for the roots of rock had turned into love. It does my heart good people. It's times like this that all the questions and doubts that I have as a parent are dispelled and I know that what I'm doing is right.


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