Sunday, November 20, 2005

An Open Letter To The People That Just Moved In Upstairs

I realize that you just moved in a week ago, and that's ok with me. Sure, I realize that you're getting settled in, learning the rules of the building, etiquette and what not. What's not okay with me is that you've decided to take the title of "Laundry Nazi" away from the landlady. Heck, you've even kicked it up a notch...taken it to a whole new level. I just can't fathom how it's possible for you to do laundry, load after unending load of laundry, for 3 days straight. Seriously. I mean, come on! Maybe you're going a little laundry crazy, you're a little too excited about the free laundry right in your own building. Maybe you've had to make one too many trips to the local Laundromat with your huge bag o' laundry. I completely understand, believe me I've been there. But even if in all your excitement you've decided to wash every item of clothing, all the towels, washcloths, rugs, drapes, bedsheets, pillow cases, comforters, potholders, tablecloths,, it still wouldn't add up to 72 continuous hours of mind-numbingly annoying laundry hoggage. And yes, hoggage is a me. In case you hadn't noticed there are two other families in this building and some of us would appreciate clean underwear, socks, and what have you. If this continues much longer I will be forced to make the trek up the stairs to kick your ass, old underwear and all. And I'm the nice, quiet, pacifist neighbor, just you wait until the old "Laundry Nazi" gets wind of this...She'll cause you a world of hurt. You'll rue the day you crossed that beast! I suggest you check-itty check yourself before you wreck yourself. Seriously.
Your New Neighbor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Old underware and all....I love it!

6:08 AM  

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