Saturday, March 25, 2006

More Porkchops? Yes, Please...

My fascination with bearded boys is no secret. I'm not ashamed. I'll stand up straight and proud and proclaim from the rooftops that "I love boys with beards!" I may even throw in a little "Wooohoo!" just to spice it up a little. Who knows, I'm crazy like that. Today, however, I realized that my love for facial hair is no longer confined to the realm of the beard. Oh no, folks. Today I discovered, thanks to the beautiful boy in the little black Nissan, that I have a deep rooted love for oversized sideburns. A.k.a. Porkchops. Mmmm...yummy Porkchops...and I don't even eat meat ladies & gents. No sir. Just look at the picture below of Danny Masterson from "That 70's Show" and tell me you don't love you some Porkchops too.

Here's an interesting bit of info for I was searching online for a picture of the Porkchop, I found out that the extra large, super-sized, great biggie version of the Porkchop is aptly named 'The Mutton Chop' and my heart did a little flip-flop. Chew on that for a minute. Yeah. Bigger is always better, that's what I say.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank GOD! FINALLY a new blog! I was about to just DIE!

(you should have seen my chops in high school.)

11:38 AM  
Blogger melissa k. said...

justin, i think we were separated at birth. it's the only logical explanation.

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


separated at birth, or the only people in the world with actual good style.

7:08 PM  

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